Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Analysis of Formalin, Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissues
Quantitation of a Topically Dosed Pharmaceutical in Skin Tissue by MALDI-MS Imaging
Cross Platform Lipid Imaging in Rodent Brain by LAESI-MS and
Interrogation of LAESI MSI data sets using SCiLSLab
Affi-BAMS: A High Throughput Immunoaffinity Enrichment Assay with Detection by LAESI MS and MALDI MS
Cross Platform Lipid Imaging of Silver Nanoparticle-Exposed Rat Brain by LAESI-MS and MALDI-MS
In situ Detection and Imaging of Ergot Alkaloids in Ipomea tricolor by LAESI-MS-MS and MALDI-MS
A Novel Web Interface to Facilitate Histology Guided Mass Spectrometry
Proteomic Analysis in the Lung and Brain of Rats Following Silver Nanoparticle Inhalation
Mass Spec Imaging Differentiates Histological Subtypes of Stage 1 Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma
High Throughput Strategies for Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Clinical Samples