LCMS Resources

Application Notes

Untargeted Profiling and Semiquantitative Analysis of Lipids by Using High-resolution LC-MS/MS

Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Analysis of Formalin, Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissues

LAESI MS Imaging and LC-MS Global Metabolomics of Plant Metabolites of Sorghum bicolor Grown in Association with Symbiotic Fungi

Global Metabolomics Approach to Characterize Differential Metabolites in Sepsis in Human Plasma

Global Metabolomics Approach to Identify Pathways Affected by Glyphosate in Yeast

Global Proteomics and Label-Free Quantitation of Proteins in Yeast Following Glyphosate Treatment

Modern Host Cell Protein Analysis and Concurrent Peptide Mapping for Biotherapeutics

Multi-Faceted Workflow for Glycosylation Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies With High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Sequencing of Polyethylene Glycol Conjugation Site on a Protein by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Characterization of Complex HeLa Lysate as a Function of Protein Load by NanoLC-MS/MS

Multi-modal Mass Spectrometry Approach to Characterize Clozapine and Meabolites by Combining Imaging Modalities and Absolute Quantitation

Fast and Comprehensive Characterization of Human IgG1 by High-Resolution Accurate-Mass Mass Spectrometry

Monoclonal Antibody Disulfde Bond Mapping by LC-MS/MS

Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine LC-MS/MS Assay in Plasma


Label-Free Quantitation of ChorismateBiosynthesis Pathway Protein Expression in Yeast Following Treatment With Glyphosate

Using LC-MS Based Global Metabolomics of Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tumor Tissue to Identify Potential Biomarkers

Effects of Defined Carbon Source Culture Media on the Metabolomes of Penicillium Camemberti and Penicillium Biforme

Workflow for Simultaneous Biotherapeutic Peptide Mapping and Host Cell Protien Analysis Utilizing In-Silico Peptide Monitoring

Charge State Distribution Modification as a Mechanism to Reduce Apparent Complexity of an Intact Fusion Protein Therapeutic

Automated Determination of Induced Monoclonal Antibody Shuffling Using Multiple Enzyme Digestions

Sequencing of Polyethylene Glycol Conjugation Site on a Protein by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Multi-Faceted Workflow for Glycosylation Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies With High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

N-Glycan Profiling and Amino Acid and Monosaccharide Composition of Antibodies by LCMS

Monoclonal Antibody Disulfide Bond Shuffling Assessment by Multiple Enzyme Digest

Method development of LC-MS based peptide quantitation assay to differentiate kininogen and kallikrein cleaved kininogen

Stability Analysis of the Human IgG1 Antibody

Development of a LC-MS-MS method for Quantitation of Decoquinate and Levamisole in Equine Plasma




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