Protein Research Services

Protea provides several standard options for mass spectrometry-based proteomics analysis as well as custom-designed projects for the specific needs of research scientists.  Protea’s expertise in separations chemistry is combined with state-of-the-art sample analysis using the Finnigan hybrid linear trapping quadrupole Fourier transform mass spectrometer (LTQ-FTMS) to provide high quality proteomics information.

  • Protein Identification
    • Shotgun approach
    • Top-down approach
    • Bottom-up approach
  • Biomarker Discovery
    • Identification of protein and peptide biomarkers
  • Custom Protein Databases
    • Full scale analysis of proteomic sample
    • Generation of unique databases for each sample
    • Organized and retrievable data in a user-friendly format

Analysis scheme from complex protein sample to proteomic data.

Mass spectrometry:

Protea uses cutting edge technology to deliver high quality proteomic data.  Protea employs several mass spectrometers, but our workhorse is the Finnigan hybrid linear trapping quadrupole Fourier transform mass spectrometer (LTQ-FTMS), which provides unparalleled mass accuracy (<2-ppm) and resolving power (up to 500,000).  The LTQ-FTMS perform direct analysis of proteins for molecular weight determination and tandem mass spectrometric analyses of peptides for sequence level information. 

 Example data acquired using the LTQ-FTMS.

Protein analysis by FTMS.  1-pmol/μL solution of
Cytochrome C
analyzed by direct infusions FTMS.

Example peptide tandem mass spectrum from RP-HPLC-MS/MS
analysis of an in-gel protein digest using the LTQ-FTMS.

Angiotensin peak comparison overlay plot: LCQ DECA MS vs FT-MS

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