Protein Biomarker Identification Services
Protein Characterization Services
Order Form
Contact Information
Researcher Name:
Institution Name:
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Click on your selection, add comments, and a customized quotation will be provided to you for the services or custom products that you have selected.

Cancerscreen 200 screening service (dot blot)
Cancerprofile disease-specific western blot profiling service

Designer Westerns
you design your western blots (for use in your lab or ours):

I will send you my antibody or peptide (service)
send me the blot(s) 

Select an Option Below:
option 1 – select 14 total protein samples (one blot)
option 2 – select 28 total protein samples (two blots)
option 3 – select 42 total protein samples (three blots)
option 4 – select 56 total protein samples (four blots)

Select from the following index of of total protein samples, derived from our library of highly-characterized, Pathologist-reviewed specimens (clinical and pathology data is provided). 
Human-Normal (select order)
Adipose  Heart  Psoas
Adrenal  Jejunum Seminal vesicle
Aorta Kidney (Medulla) Skin
(Specify Type)
Artery Kidney (Cortex) Spinal cord
Bladder  Liver Spleen
Bone  Lung Stomach
(Specify Sites)
Lymph nodes
(Specify Site)
Breast Mesentery Thymus
Cervix Muscle Thyroid
Colon/Rectum Nerves Trachea
Duodenum Ovary Uterus
Esophagus Pancreas Vertebrae
Fallopian tube Pituitary  
Gallbladder Prostate  

Human-cancer (select order)
Bladder Liver Prostate
Brain Lung Skin
Breast Ovary Uterine
Colon Pancreas  

Human-other disease (select order)
Arthritis Diverticulitis Nephritis
Asthma Emphysema Pancreatitis
Atherosclerosis Endometriosis Pneumonia
Bronchitis Glaucoma Renal insufficiency
Congestive heart failure Hypertension Tuberculosis
COPD Liver cirrhosis  
Diabetes Myocardial infarction  

Other options:
So that we can provide exactly to your specifications, please provide any additional criterion you require, including the following:
I would like matched adjacent normal samples included
I would like one or multiple individuals represented
I would like multiple, specific disease stages represented


Protea Biosciences, Inc. announces agreement to provide Proteomics services to a major pharmaceutical company.

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