LAESI Data Sets
The ProteaPlot™ software has beed developed specifically for processing LAESI-MS data. Click on the images below to explore the LAESI-MS data, including 2D and 3D contour plots, fingerprint mass spectra, and select identified tissue metabolites.Formalin Fixed Mouse Brain: Fingerprint mass spectrum and 2D contour plot of a formalin fixed mouse brain section. | Mouse Liver: Fingerprint mass spectrum and 2D contour plot of a frozen mouse liver tissue sample (60 µm thick). | Mouse Kidney: 2D contour plot of a frozen mouse kidney tissue sample (60 µm thick). | Lily Petal: 2D contour plot and fingerprint mass spectrum of a Lily petal | Foxglove Petal: 2D contour plot and fingerprint mass spectrum of a Foxglove petal | Orchid Petal: 3D and 2D contour plots of an Orchid petal |