Features and Description

Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 3

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Matrix-Free LDI-MS for Qualitative or Quantitative analysis
  • No matrix hindrance of MS signal
  • Decreased background noise
  • Optimal signal–to-noise, sensitivity, and resolution

Rapid, Robust, Reproducible Performance
  • Direct sample analysis
  • Straightforward workflow and rapid results
  • Reproducibility: Target-to-target, chip-to-chip

Diverse Applications and Flexible Integration into Existing MALDI Platforms
  • Simple and complex small molecule analysis
  • Detect or quantify drugs and other molecules
  • Integrates with Bruker, Thermo, Waters, Sciex, and Shimadzu systems

  • Cells
  • Natural Products
  • Biofluids

  • Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Sugars and Glycans
  • Amino Acids and Small Peptides
  • Fatty Acids and Lipids

  • Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Natural Products
  • Biofluids

Every REDIchip target offers precise, structured nanopost array (NAPA) pillars for dependable MS results. Energy from the UV laser source on MALDI systems is absorbed by the REDIchip’s NAPA pillars and is transferred to the sample by resonance-effect. The nanoposts on the REDIchip surface are highly organized and offer exceptional reproducibility in each analysis. NAPA pillar dimensions are optimized for maximum efficiency in energy transfer, resulting in enhanced sample ionization in a matrix-free environment.

In traditional matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spec experiments, a chemical matrix is necessary to facilitate molecular ionization for subsequent analysis. MALDI-MS has become a standard technique for a variety of analytical applications, but it is not ideal for small molecule identification due to signal impedance from the matrix. The REDIchip enables small molecule quantitation because of the unique, matrix-free design of the target plate.

Nanopost dimensions have been optimized for enhanced ion production via resonance-effect upon interaction of the UV laser with the nanostructures. Laser light confinement effects (field enhancements, high heating rates, prolonged interaction times) promote sample ionization in the nanostructures.

…innovation for bioanalytics