Biomarker Discovery

Our team effectively uses established techniques to discover and fully characterize biomarkers from any biofluid, tissue, solution, or gel-based sample. We are experienced in analyzing plasma, serum, body fluids, and tissues for the characterization of biomarkers.
Building on the imaging platform of the LAESI DP-1000 System, Protea’s biomarker discovery team can identify and correlate biomarkers associated with a variety of workflows, including:
- Exploration of any physiological pathway in cells and tissues
- Identify the molecular mechanisms of drug interactions
- Surrogates for clinical response to therapies
- Circulating biomarkers that indicate disease states
- Oncology targets
- Secreted proteins for therapeutics
- Infectious disease targets
- Risk analysis that allows for quick, go/no-go drug development efforts
The forward thinking and proactive approach applied by our scientific team looks to incorporate the mission and vision of our organization with the innovative thinking and support of the FDA. Every project’s design strategically aligns with the Critical Path Initiative, a plan created to accelerate approvals of novel drugs by integrating biomarkers into the clinical trial process. Our biomarker discovery platforms are offered as client specific projects that build the foundation to support clinical studies.
…concepts into knowledge