63rd ASMS Conference
Explore some of the new and exciting applications developed at Protea by clicking on one of our several presented poster below:
REDIchips™ for Applied Quantitation of Alkaloids
Haddon Goodman1; Gregory Boyce1; Daniel Panaccione2
1Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV;
2West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Monday, June 1, 2015 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Poster number: 246 -
Metabolomic Profiling of Biofluids Using Laser Desorption Ionization on Nanopost Array Devices (REDIchips™)
Trust Razunguzwa; Heather Anderson; Nicholas Morris; Matthew Powell
Protea Biosciences, Inc., Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 10:30am – 1:00 pm
Poster number: 189 -
in situ Detection and Imaging of Ergot Alkaloids in Ipomoea Tricolor Seeds by LAESI-MS/MS
Gregory Boyce1; Callee Walsh1; Daniel Panaccione2
1Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV;
2West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Tuesday, June 2 10:00-1:00 pm
Poster number: 23
REDIchips™ for Rapid Quantitation of low Molecular Weight Pharmaceutical Drugs using Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Trust Razunguzwa; Heather Anderson; Nicholas Morris; Matthew Powell
Protea Biosciences, Inc., Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Poster number: 159
in situ Top Down Proteomics: Targeted Imaging of Histones in Tissue Using Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LAESI-MS)
Pamela Cantrell; Peggi Angel; Callee Walsh
Protea Biosciences, Inc., Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Wednesday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm
Poster number: 535 -
Integration of MS Imaging and Proteomic Data for Biological Discovery in a 3D Microtissue Model of Colon Cancer
Peggi M. Angel; Linda Prengaman; Christina Lee; Erin H. Seeley
Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Thursday 12:00 pm -2:30 pm
Poster number: 660 -
Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Rabbit Skin Topically Dosed with an Antifungal Compound using a Stable Isotope Labeled Internal Standard
Erin H. Seeley, Gregory Boyce
Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Thursday, 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Poster number: 682 -
Cross Platform Lipid Imaging of Silver Nanoparticle-Exposed Rat Brain by LAESI-MS and MALDI-MS
Callee Walsh1; Pamela Cantrell1; Krishnan Sriram2; Jenny R. Roberts2; Erin H. Seeley1; Katherine Moss1; Peggi Angel1
1Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV;
2CDC-NIOSH, Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Thursday 12:00 am – 2:30 pm
Poster number: 676
External Collaborations
Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Ultrasensitive Analysis of Biological Samples on Nanophotonic Laser Desorption Ionization Platforms
Sylwia Stopka1; Andrew Korte1; Charles Rong1; Trust Razunguzwa2; Nicholas Morris2; Scott Retterer3; Akos Vertes1
1George Washington University, Washington, District Of Columbia;
2Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV;
3Oak Ridge National Laboratory, CNMS, Oak Ridge, TN
Presentation: Monday, June 1, 2015 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Poster number: 168 -
Construction of a Metabolite MS/MS Library for Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry from Silicon Nanopost Arrays
Andrew Korte1; Nicholas Morris2; Trust Razunguzwa2; Akos Vertes1
1George Washington University, Washington, DC;
2Protea Biosciences Inc., Morgantown, WV
Presentation: Monday, June 1, 2015
Poster number: 351 -
Oral Presentation: Ambient Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Food Contaminants
Michel W.F. Nielen1,2, Wilco F. Duvivier2, Teris A. van Beek2
1RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, NETHERLANDS;
2Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL
Presentation: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 3:30 pm- 3:50 pm
…innovations for bioanalytics