Buprenorphine and Norbuprenorphine LC-MS/MS
Assay in Plasma

Buprenorphine is a synthetic opioid that is used for the treatment of pain for animals as well as humans. A beneft of using buprenorphine for the treatment of pain is its high potency, ~30x more potent than other opiates, without causing gastrointestinal issues. Buprenorphine is highly prescribed for veterinary clinical practices due to its long half-life and potency.

Many buprenorphine assays currently exist with a variety of extraction procedures and mass spectrometry analyses. Protea has developed an optimized, robust assay with a broad linear dynamic range for quantifying buprenorphine and the major active metabolite, norbuprenorphine. This high throughput method employs 96 well SPE1 with optimized m/z transitions which reduces signal-to-noise, yields a cleaner sample and a more robust LC-MS/MS methodology





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